For advertisers
100% accurate data.
That you own.
First-party data are your most valuable proprietary asset. This is why we think you should own it.
For the first time, advertisers can collect and store campaign performance data directly on their servers. No more data loss, discrepancies, and theft. You know where your data is stored and you have 100% ownership.
Direct supply path
to premium publishers
The AdHash Marketplace meets premium publishers with reputable brands.
A direct advertiser-to-publisher supply path for real-time bidding auctions and programmatic direct deals. A more controlled, brand-safe environment with 25x lower ad tech tax.
Real-time reporting
and immediate control
Campaigns launch in under three minutes. Reports update in under five seconds. Optimisations apply instantly.
From quick performance overview to click-level data and granular reports broken down by URLs, locations, browsers, devices, and ten other parameters.
Robust ad fraud prevention
Find out how much and what kind of invalid traffic you save on with AdHash Ad Fraud Prevention. Invalid traffic includes clicks and impressions that may artificially inflate your cost.
AdHash proactively removes bot traffic, traffic originating from suspicious hardware, duplicated clicks, and many other potential ad fraud attack vectors. You will not be charged for invalid traffic since it brings no value.
Built-in heatmaps
Colour-coded visualisations of click coordinates depict how people interact with your ads and provide key insights into ad design performance and traffic quality.
You can parse through large data sets to quickly visualise certain traits. Analyse click-level data by URL, publisher, device type, and other parameters to make more informed optimisations.
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